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On-Site Vehicle Fueling

Keep Your vehicles Working

Deiter Bros. Delivers
Off-Hours, Evenings, Weekends

Maximize Employee Productivity

No more wasted downtime for fill-up travel time or fuel run outs during employee working hours.

Easier Fuel Management

Get accurate diesel fuel usage records for all assigned vehicles in one easy-to-read monthly digital invoice. No more messy receipts or time-consuming verification.

Better Value

Get Deiter Bros. best price on all diesel fuel purchases based on usage volume. Plus, more accountability for vehicle fuel usage, less employee time spent traveling to fill tanks.

Deiter Bros. On-Site Vehicle Fueling WORKS!


Trucks Always Ready to Roll.

"Deiter Bros. for fleet fueling was one of the best decisions I ever made. Now all our work trucks are always filled and ready to roll at any of our construction sites."

Construction & Development


More Convenience & Cost Control.

"It tightened up our fuel cost controls significantly. Deiter’s single digital invoice makes fuel cost management easier and more precise for our road transport and on-campus vehicles."

Chief Financial Officer


Less Waste. More Work.

"Deiter Bros.' tanker fills all our vehicles at night and all our employees are ready to roll every morning of the work week."

Franchise Owner/Operator
Delivery Company

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